

Families are Also Integrated into the Ecosystem

SM Educamos values the relationships within the entire educational community, extending its focus beyond the classroom walls. Families are a key component of our ecosystem, and their active involvement is essential for the holistic development of students.

By fostering a friendly environment that promotes open communication and collaboration between families and teachers, SM Educamos ensures a close and supportive educational experience. This approach not only strengthens the partnership between home and school but also enhances the overall educational development of students.

Features Available for Families

  • Incidents


    Receive notifications about any records affecting the classroom, including absenteeism, commendations, behavior issues, and daily summaries.

  • Authorizations


    Easily manage and submit documentation to provide consent for special activities and events.

  • Meetings and Interviews

    Meetings and Interviews

    Participate in calls and meetings organized by the school for general updates, talks, presentations, or individual interviews.

  • Circulars


    Receive formal communications from the school community.

  • Messages


    Use instant messaging for quick communication with students and families.

  • Reports


    Access and download online reports as PDFs.

  • Student grades

    Student grades

    Access to the teacher’s evaluation and/or notebook, enabling the monitoring of the student’s academic life.

  • Personal data of the student

    Personal data of the student

    Access to personal data.

  • Registrations


    Enrollment in activities or services offered by the school based on economic criteria.

  • Workspaces


    Access to intranets enabled by the center.

  • Surveys


    Notification and access to certain surveys distributed by the center.

  • Receipts


    Viewing the status of receipts, including paid and/or pending amounts.

  • Online Store

    Online Store

    Access to the store with the ability to reserve items and manage orders.

  • Schedules


    Access to the weekly schedule of subjects, including tasks, exams, and reminders.

  • Online Payment

    Online Payment

    Easy and secure payment and collection processes with Kineox.

We Take Care of You with Support

What sets us apart in the market is our commitment to personalized and continuous support for our users.

Specialist Advisors

They manage the implementation, assist you with daily activities, and ensure you fully utilize the ecosystem’s features and tools.

Educamos Cerca Community

Stay informed with the latest news, access information about the ecosystem, and report questions or issues at any time via the web.

Technical Support Team

Responsible for maintaining and updating the ecosystem, as well as assisting centers with resolving any questions or issues.

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